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The Best Journaling Method for You


Updated: Sep 25, 2022

Hop onto Pinterest and type in “journaling methods.” Loads of stuff comes up in just about any type of category for any type of person one could imagine. That’s one of the awesome things about journaling! It’s so personal, there are so many nuances and techniques for getting what’s in the noggin out on paper that there is no limit to who can use journaling to their advantage. No two journals will be alike because what comes out is all you and no one else. One of the difficult things about journaling is the number of techniques one can utilize. Options are great but too many and I’m overwhelmed then just give up. Can’t mess it up if I don’t try, right?

So, here I am, your queen of lazy ways with a few options for you to choose from! Let's start with the basics....which is where one should start in general. (Free pro tip for you right there!)

1) Write something…anything… down. Schools are starting to exclude cursive writing from lessons because we are so focused on our digital devices and, sure, we should be giving kids the majority of things electronically since all our jobs are becoming more and more digital, from offices to factory work. BUT, as a person that loves writing by hand, leaving notes for my loved ones, making lists for myself, and even hand-lettering crafts for myself and others) I can't help but be disappointed. A 2021 study published in Frontiers in Psychology led by Eva Ose Askvik at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology found that, when writing notes by hand, students learned more effectively than typing their notes. Generally, I would write my notes by hand as organized as I could, then go back and tidy them up by typing them. It put things in order in my brain and honestly really did help me remember. Writing entries by hand will aid in the ultimate goal of any type of journaling, and that’s getting clarity, being able to focus on what’s important, and for me, remembering important times in life that don’t always stay as prominent as I think they will naturally. I like fancy notebooks, some people use spiral, and some people use the computer paper they grab when inspiration strikes. Sometimes folks go back and put it into their final copy journal because they want the pretty book on their nightstand, not the one all scribbled up. Doesn’t matter. You do you and pick what you want. You can always change the medium, just WRITE SOMETHING DOWN.

2) There’s an app for that! Maybe using your phone or tablet is more comfortable for you. Grab an app and try it out. Digital journals are good too but best for iOS users than android, so I go about my digital journaling in a weird way which there’s probably a really easy fix for, but I’m too lazy to read anything about. I do, however, have some guided apps I’ve tried. Currently, on my phone is one called Prompted Journal. It gives you the same prompt every few months allowing you to see how you’ve changed in that amount of time, what’s stayed the same for you, and offers some quiet introspection I’m looking forward to exploring. Let me know if you guys have any that you’ve liked or disliked and we’ll try to keep a running list in the ol noggins….or our journals!!! (it’s something to write down, right!? Ha!)

3) Collect Prompts. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it a million more times: Pinterest. There are soooo many lists of prompts that sometimes I find myself hours in and have nothing yet to work with. When I realized that any of my multitude of favorite quotes from beloved books, poetry that’s resonated….hell, a quote from a celebrity in a magazine I saw in passing has triggered thoughts….but when I realized all of these were PROMPTS?! Well, I got a little greedy and spiraled. So, now I have to refer to a notebook of quotes I’ve kept through the years and just calm myself down at all the diversity out there. Point is, the sky is the limit, just try not to get overwhelmed!

4) Pick a format. Or don’t! I don’t, but I don’t like ruuuules, man! So, here’s the deal, pickles, a journal can be anything….full pages of paragraphs and sentences, fully fleshed out, all the way to a single word to describe how crappy/wonderful the day was. Bullet points, numbered lists, whatever you have to do to get it on paper, just do that!

5) Draw Pictures. Are you more of a picture type of person? More artsy than wordy? Well, guess what?! You can do that! I can't draw flies, so I’ve always relied heavily on the “scissors and glue” method of adding color and images to my journals. I think I’ve mentioned I’m a voracious color-er and so I have a lot of things colored and useless, so, that’s what goes in my journal! Whether it’s in the corners as decorations or entire pages as ‘this is what I feel like today” reminders, it is what it is. You got this!

6) Don’t edit it to death! Writer’s block. Not just “WRITERS” get it. We all do. It’s probably what was going on back in school when we had to write those reports. Sure, we read the book and knew what was in it (for old folks we had the Cliff’s Notes) but when we had to write….pfffffft. Nothing. So, here’s the deal. Since there’s less pressure than a book report and no one sees this but you, how about trying a little thing I like to call “just writing crap down”? I mean, it’s cheap, it’s relatively easy and, if you do it with a pencil (or have correction tape/backspace) you can always throw it back from whence it came. Easy peasy.

So. There are six ways to wrap your noggin around how you can journal on your terms. Whether it’s pages of calligraphy, words scribbled with a crayon because you’re about to lose your mind with the kiddos homework, or photos you pinched from the newspaper

I did, however, make y’all a thing to get you started if you want, though. Sign up for the newsletter (that I have yet to write, so don’t worry about being spammed by my big mouth) and download your copy of my “One Good Thing a Day” journal. It’s simple, straightforward, and has kewl leaves and stuff on the cover and simple lines for you to write down one thing with no pressure of elaboration! I love getting free stuff myself, so I’d like to make and give away a little something with each series of posts I do. No promises, but man, freebies are the best! While you’re there, check out my new Halloween wall art printables I’ve worked hard to be witty on! They’re cool, they’re cute, and they’re for every taste imaginable! (but don’t feel obligated ya know.)

Good luck and Godspeed on your journaling adventure this week! Til I post the next set of techniques, have as good of a day as you’re able to have! Toodles!

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An Arkansas gal, Sarah E., (initials SME, hence the name) her three-legged cat, Lucky and a lifelong obsession with all things stationary/office supplies.  Maybe you'll find the laughter you need to make it through the day, maybe some ways to glow up your life or business.  Whatever you find here, I'm all for it!  If you've got a spare moment, check out my payhip store at

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