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Vision Boards...Cheesy or Cool?

Ok kiddos, apologies for being late on posting. I could've SWORN i posted one about vision boards, but lo and behold, i have not! So, let me explain a moment before we begin:

I HAD TO MOVE. It was quick and unexpected and it came at one of the absolute worst times possible. No money, and my vehicle broke down. So, i had to deal with folks hurrying me, with no way to hurry, and deal with all the personal reasons behind the move. No worries, it is just another time i am having to roll with the punches life throws at me and start over. Luckily, i have the most amazing lifelong best friend in the world who just happened to have a stroke of luck (for once, she and i are the unluckiest bastards the world has ever seen, obviously.) and wound up with a home and space for me. But, in line with our luck, there was a lot more to do to her grandmothers beautiful little cottage than just turn on utilities before we could move in. Happily, she and i are both down with home improvements and diy stuff, so we are going to be working on this little bad boy for the foreseeable future, no hot water and all.

My point is, i'm really sorry i didnt post anything, even though i swore i did, and now cant even find my notes for THIS post. So, without further ado, shall we begin?

So, vision boards. In my mind, this technique makes sense in theory, but in the real world black hole of bullsh** that is my life, could never work for me. In my mind, it is right up there with all those cheesy things like "manifesting" and all that noise. Sure, i know that my attitude will repel even the strongest of positive vibes, and that a positive outlook surely allows one to see more positive things just right there for the taking, but vision boards? C'mon. That's just girls wanting to show off all the rich bitch goodies they want the "universe" to give them, right?

Well, whatever. My life is at a point right now that it really couldnt hurt, right? So, lets get down to brass tacks here and go through the steps....that, in my negative nancy nature i neglected to learn even existed.

  1. Get clear on what you want--HA! Now that's funny! like i havent had my seventeen lives mapped out since i was like, nine. Ok, so maybe i should bring it down to just one dream life i want. Here's where i differ from what the gurus tell me: i dont want to dream big...i just want to dream. So, I'm going to focus on some main areas i think are importnat to me: relationships, career, financial, car, home. These things are easy. Im a simple gal from the country that wants just a shade better. (because if it werent for the folks, country livin' would be where it was AT.) Plus, at this point in my financial quarter, anything would be an improvement.. Some sources said to do some deep breathing, do a ten-minute meditation,, yadda, yadda, but the point is to focus on what you want. What you really, REALLY want. (and yes, i really, really, really wanna zigga, zig, ahhhhh....that might not be the words, but that's what i sing and i cant be bothered to look it up.)

  2. Get out your searchin glasses and get to lookin for things that make that vision a reality--(on paper anyway.) After you've decided what areas you want to manifest-well, lets change that dang word into WORK FOR, Start finding your pictures to put into the blanks of your vision board. Pictures that inspire you to be a better version of the already awesome you that you already are. If you're not going to settle for what i have on my vision board, cool, you set them goals high, baby! That's awesome and i want you to come be my mentor! For mine, i chose to use a car like the one i totaled, to continue my education in the ways i see fit, books, loads of books and friendship to keep my relationships full, business success, money in the bank and a nice, cozy little craftsman ready for all the skulls i realized i've collected when i started unpacking. Sheesh, i mean, yeah, they're cool skulls, but if you didnt understand my "hey, it's archaeology, plus we all have skeletons and they're beautiful" vibe, you'd think i was a murderous feminist. I joke. I totally am. KIDDING! (maybe a little murder-y. Sometimes.)

  3. Get to posting those pics in the right spots--this one is simple. If you printed out the vision board, glue those puppies on there. If you're using it in the digital world pop 'em in the right places. BOOM! Easy peasy.

  4. Put it where you can see it and think about it all. the. time.--So the though here is if we can see it we can WORK HARD for it, right? With my ADHD all up in my brain, things dont always stay focused and perfectly ordered. Mantras mean nothing when you cant hold that thought. Meditation means nothing if you cant slow racing thoughts. But what apparently COULD work, is seeing a mantra, a meditation or idea right in front of me. And, just as soon as i get some toner and my printer to the new digs, that's what i'm going to do.

So, below is my vision board for this year. To be solvent, successful in my endeavors of running a VA agency with my homie, schoolin and friendship in a home of my own. Simple. Effective.

Now, i've shown ya mine, it's your turn to show me yours! But you need one first, right? Well, i've made ya THREE versions of mine. You'll need a free Canva account, no graphics i used are on the premium plan, and they're right here.

it's just a template, so make a copy and get to envisioning your successes this year! Take a gander and a laugh at mine, then get busy! Tag me on instagram with something witty (after you follow my insta, of course, i do follow back....eventually) and i'll be super happy!

So here's the link again: Vision Boards for my pals! And dont forget to tag me so i can see how much more open you guys are to self-improvement! :-)

Til then my sweet readers! Thanks for all your help....even if there's only, like, two of us...I've always been better at the small crowds of truly cool people anyway! Muah!

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